Sunday, April 21, 2013

Favorite Things Party and My First Giveaway

I don't know about you, but I LOVE the people I work with!  My school secretary hosted a "Favorite Things" party on Friday night, and it was a great opportunity to hang out with the girls I work with outside of the typical school day.  It also was the most fun theme for a party, ever!  
Here's how it works:  Everyone brings 5 of their favorite thing, under $5.  Each guest also writes their name on five slips of paper, to be drawn during the favorite things exchange.  Everybody takes a turn explaining what they brought and why it is their favorite, and then draws five names from the bowl.  You would have thought we were winning the lottery, or a new car, or at least a jeans day, every time our names were drawn.  We were all so excited to win!  What a fun idea for a get-together and a great excuse to hang out with your favorite co-workers or girlfriends!  Here are a few ideas for your next "Favorite Things" party:
Our favorite things included fun flip flops, flowers, milk duds, colorful pens and paper clips tied with cute ribbon.  The creative hostess made bags for everyone to take their favorite things home in.  What is MY favorite thing, you ask?  I brought $5 gift cards to Scooter's with my favorite drink (a blended white mocha with whipped cream and caramel) listed on the tag.  It just makes my day happier when I am able to pick up my favorite coffee drink in the morning!  

How adorable is this "Favorite Things" party invite? Find it on Etsy.  

In honor of MY favorite thing,  I am having my first giveaway!  One lucky fashionista will win a $10 Scooter's gift card just for being a fan of "The Fashionista Teacher."  Your name can be entered up to 3 times.  Here's how to enter:

1.  "Like" The Fashionista Teacher Facebook page
2. Join my site with Google Friend Connect (see home page sidebar)
3.  Subscribe to The Fashionista Teacher through e-mail (see home page sidebar)
*I cannot see who has subscribed, so please e-mail me or leave a comment once you have done so!
Ready, set, go!  The contest ends Friday!

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  1. You are so cute and I miss your flare! -Holli

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