Now that I've been at this blogging thing for about a month, I think it's time for you to meet my assistant and love of my life, Lucy. So, today you get a break from me and get to hear from Lucy herself. No matter what she tells you, she gets PLENTY of attention and treats!
Hi everyone! My name is Lucy. No offense to all of the other puppies in the world, but I may just be the cutest puppy that ever lived. My owners tell me all of the time so it has gone to my head. My mom has tried to make me into a fashionista pup, but I just don't love to wear clothes, so we have compromised with a fashionista bed and bows around my collar.

I hate birthday clothes, Halloween costumes, stupid ears, you name it. But I try to be a nice dog and put up with it for a few hours.
This is me when I was a baby. Wasn't I cute?
I used to be really naughty when I was little. One time I chewed up my mom's purse. She got really mad at me and started screaming something about a "Coach." I wonder what that means. Another time I decided to play with this cool toy called a screwdriver. I used to get into the trash all the time. Maybe I still do that a little.
I love to play with my friends. I love kids, chickens and bunnies, but not really other dogs. I'm kind of a snob.
After I play with my friends, I get really tired.
I know you've met my mom, but this is my dad. He's a big softie.
I love to assist my mom when she's checking papers or working on her blog!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad we got to meet! I just wish I could have given you kisses!
XOXO, Lucy
Gorgeous post! Lucy looks like she is smiling in all of her photos! I'd love to have a puppy... but renting an apartment makes that tricky. One day!
Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
Thanks, Lauren! Lucy spent her first year in an apartment! But yes, it was very tough to find a nice, dog friendly place!