Hey there! I've missed you! Since I've been M.I.A. for WAY too long, I thought I better bring my fabulous followers up to date on what I've been up to lately.
1.) Logan and I made a quick trip to Kansas City last weekend. We planned to go this summer for our anniversary, but ended up just staying at home that weekend. So, we postponed for fall, and I was glad we did. It was so nice to get away from our crazy schedules and just spend time together.
I woke up to this nice surprise on my bedside table Friday morning. My guy sure does know the way to my heart! What a great start to our trip!
My dinner ensemble... Find my dress here from LOFT.
2. ) Speaking of cute outfits, I found this puffer vest at Old Navy thanks to my blog buddy Jenna. I paired it with a chambray shirt, black skinnies, and tan leather boots for school last week.
3. ) And this was fun Halloween look for school. The kids loved it!
Our Halloween was pretty low-key, but perfect! We enjoyed cheesy potato soup for dinner (a Halloween tradition) and passed out candy to all of the adorable trick-or-treaters.
You didn't think I'd let Lucy and Rosie miss out on the fun, did you? The kids were delighted to see a cute taco at the door! (Rosie spent the evening napping on the couch)
4.) Most of you know that I'm a pretty big softie when it comes to sad animals, so I thought I better share this quick story with you because it totally WOULD happen to me!
As I was letting Lucy and Rosie out after school last Tuesday, this little cutie was meowing at me from the bushes. Of course I fed her (she was starving!) and poured her a little bowl of milk and brought her a towel out to the front porch.
I left to go to the gym thinking she'd head back to her home, but what do you know...this sweet face was peeking in my window when I got home!
Of course I let her in the house. It was rainy and cold and she was friendly and de-clawed, so we knew she wasn't a stray.

Lucy spent her evening reading up on felines to prepare for her new cat sister, but Logan highly encouraged made me take her to the Humane Society the next day. I may have shed a tear or two saying good-bye to "Kitty" but I knew she'd be better off. It was a pretty tragic scene. But... GREAT NEWS! I just got word last night that her owners came in looking for her so now she's back home! I was so relieved to hear this fantastic news!
5. ) After a long week, Logan and I were feeling pretty lethargic and just wanted to curl up on the couch all day Saturday, but we had tickets to the Husker game and didn't want them to go to waste. WELL...good thing we didn't stay home! If you didn't hear about the game, just go look up "Nebraska Hail Mary" on YouTube. Now. You're welcome. :)
Well, that was a whole bunch of randomness. Thanks for sticking with me! My plan is to post again this week with a few classroom snapshots for your inspiration. Here's a little preview of my academic vocabulary reading word wall I FINALLY got up!
I'm also planning to write a Holiday Fashion Q&A post in a few weeks. Soooo....in order for this to work, I need your help! Send me any and all of your holiday fashion questions, whether it be what to wear to your holiday work party, gifts to give your family and friends, or what to wear with that new dress you bought. Leave a comment or message me on my Facebook page.
Have a great week, everybody!
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